Friday, September 28, 2007

Ode to the Hills

As some of you know, and some of you who don't know yet, I've been talking about these bumps that are appearing in our apartment. we first noticed the one right in front of our door because we can only open our door about a foot. then soon enough we noticed one in the kitchen, then the half bath, and now there is even one in the living room. needless to say, we have mini hills growing in the carpet. none of these hills really bothered me until i had to kick the door open one day because I couldn't get through with the groceries.
well after about a week of these mysterious hills showing up , and us in wonder if our apartment was going to burst from below us, we got a phone call.
Our landlord who moved to south Carolina right about the time we were flying home from the honeymoon, called us and said he was making the drive back to ILLINOIS, he then explained the story
Our apartment is really a town house, therefore we have no one under or above us, only people to next to us. four all together, the guy who is at the end, just a side note, his door mat says "go away". his water heater broke, and according to Larry (our landlord) he didn't know his water heater broke for a week, maybe longer. which in turn Larry loudly expressed I think in frustration, "How can you not know your water heater broke? You wouldn't have any hot water!" so needless to say, all this water filled into the bottom of our apartments and because of so much moisture, hence the hills.
So there is the problem, now the solution.
Larry has been around the past couple days, he hired some professionals to look at all of our apartments. in the meantime, these other guys who have a green van, almost like scooby doo, are going underneath the apartments, and installing these loud fans, which i haven't heard yet, but Larry stated they will probably be very loud. These fans will be on for a week, maybe longer. Then the guy who has to come into our apartment and look at the floors will determine what needs to be replaced. which the worst are the front door and the kitchen.
Our Landlord has been really nice to us throughout this whole ordeal, although we secretly believe he is very mad at the guy on the end. Larry has offered to put us in a hotel on him, if the noise is too loud.
in conclusion to everything, our apartment will probably be undergoing a lot of construction over the next month. we may be getting new carpet totally throughout the down stairs, which means we have to move everything out and so on, which will be hard for us because of school everyday and work. its an interesting story, with maybe a good ending, New Carpet!!!!


James said...

That's cool it was just water damage and not like alien cocoon pods growing in your apartment. You just never know with these things.

Joe said...

I smell a mold lawsuit coming on. Here's what you do: have a doctor testify that you've developed an incurable respiratory disease as a result of mold - sue for $4.2 million and pay the doctor off 5%. Perfect! Oh, and give me 20% for giving you the idea. j/k ;)