Sunday, September 2, 2007

First day of school

Well, The first day of school ! Mike and I finally got settled into our apartment, Mom said that we had to take a picture on the first day of school so here it is, Day 1 of the next 180 days or so of a lot of reading studying and stressing over getting a good grade. It seems like only a few years ago, school was all about meeting new friends, having the coolest clothes or the latest school supplies, and of course being apart of everything going on at school, science club, math club, football team, Volleyball all that good stuff. Now that your old, married and have to pay off all your school loans in a couple years, all you really care about is getting your college degree and getting a really good job, so that you can pay off loans, buy a house, and probably a dog. or well at least that's what i want to do. a picture can say a lot of words, so here's to the first day of school! what a hot one!

another thing that makes olivet so fun! is that the first week of school they don't want anyone new to be left out, and so they invented Ollies Follies!!!! A week of fun class competitions, where you bond with the people in your class, and find the most talented to of course win every event. This year, I took part with the Juniors in some good old Sand Volleyball! which we did beat the Seniors! one event that i will never understand is the egg and fish game, two people, are a pair, which each class has about 10 pairs or so, so four classes of 10 pairs, do the math this would make for a about 80 people in a confined space, a boy on bottom with an egg taped to his face, a girl on top, with a real dead fish in hand, running around trying to crack other people's eggs, This I will never understand. Well during the day we do crazy things like this! while at night we enjoy a large outside screen movie, pirates of the Caribbean 3. afterwords, 11 of us, went to stake n shake, not really to enjoy the food or service, but really to enjoy the company of friends, which i think is what i enjoy about school the most. All in all , starting a new year at school may seem like a lot of stress and hard work, but with great godly friends, and father who loves us, makes the school year almost more enjoyable than summer break!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Nice pics! I like your blog. :)

BTW, the egg and fish thing is one of the top ten grossest things I've ever heard of.